Brother & Sister: Ep 1 "The Essay" - Animated Short

Watch it here.

Alex and Steph are supposed to be correcting essays, but instead end up arguing.

I know, I know: I've already released this animation before. BUT, I've decided to reboot this series, and rewrap the latest two shorts I did in the context of the new show. These characters are some of my oldest animated creations. I made them when I was something like 12 years old, and I used to animate a crappy YouTube series with them back in 2007. The style is a little rougher in this early episode than in later episodes, but you'll get a sense of the style and characters nonetheless. I can't gaurentee how long I'll stick with this series, but I can tell you that we're going to get to at least Episode 4 for sure. Beyond that, I've got dozens of scripts, but we'll have to see how my schedule plays out! (I'm crossing my fingers that we'll get a litter deeper in than just 4 episodes.)

Brother & Sister is a series about two teenage siblings and their friends as they all learn to deal with high school, the real world, and each other. The show explores issues through humor and satire, and of course through the slightly-less-jaded lens of youth.

The main theme is done by SAVESTATES (AKA Cartoon Drive-Thru - He's awesome, check out his stuff.

BigSundae, the voiceactor for James, can be found here:


And now, to plug myself a bit:





Alex Zajicek, Aqlex Productions 2018